Tag Archives: 14 year olds

Method 9: Finding and Selling Old Cell Phones for 2014

Do You Have An Old Cell Phone You Used When You Were A Younger Kid?

If you do, then you should definitely try to sell it.  If you’re a tech savvy teenager with phones that you just don’t use anymore, they are gaining dust while phone 2they become older and older. The older a phone gets, the less valuable it becomes. Every day, cell phones are becoming thinner, lighter, faster, and smarter; they are also getting better screen resolutions, higher megapixels on their cameras, better battery lives, and higher amounts of storage. If you do not actually need that old phone, sell it to another child or kid who wants to buy it (or family and friends)!

Continue reading Method 9: Finding and Selling Old Cell Phones for 2014

Method 7: Kids Can Walk Dogs, $20 or More Per Hour!

 Did You Know Dog Walking Could Be So Profitable?

You probably weren’t aware of that, but it really can be! This is especially true if you’re a 12, 13, 14, or 15 year old with a large social circle, neighborhood, or city. This is more of a job for the mid-aged to older aged teens, rather than the younger crowd. We will explain this soon, however there are exceptions to this! One of the most important pointers for this method is for you to ensure that you have sufficient experience with handling dogs. You should know how to properly handle a dog, and be wary of certain safety precautions. You can find lots of helpful information on the ASPCA’s “Dog Walking 101” page to get you up to speed!

Continue reading Method 7: Kids Can Walk Dogs, $20 or More Per Hour!

Method 6: Teens Are Renting Out Clothing to Earn Money!

Do you have some old clothing that you don’t wear very often? Perhaps you love it too much to get rid of it- or maybe you just don’t Renting out clothes for moneyhave anywhere to wear it. Tuxedos, prom dresses, formal shoes….. They can all be rented out!!! You can make a little extra money off of them rather than letting them sit in your closet getting dusty.

Almost every teen has clothing that they are not wearing often. When in a cash crunch, this is the best time to earn a quick buck. While you won’t exactly get rich off of this, you can definitely earn yourself a night at the movies or a delicious meal! Continue reading Method 6: Teens Are Renting Out Clothing to Earn Money!

Method 4: My Little Bake Shop! Making Treats to Sell!

If you like to bake, particularly cookies, cakes, brownies, and candies, you can turn this hobby into a small fortune. Everybody loves sweets, Using-sweets-to-make-cashespecially at a cheap price. This is the sort of odd job where you sell a large quantity at a lower price, in order to attract more customers and more purchases. As a kid, it might just be the easiest way to make some extra money. You will need to be prepared to spend some money on ingredients, but don’t fret- you’ll recover your expenses quickly! Are you ready to become a one-man sweet shop superhero, and knock out sweet tooths left and right?? Well, here we go!

Continue reading Method 4: My Little Bake Shop! Making Treats to Sell!

Method 2: Collecting Cans (and OTHER Metals!) Can Earn SERIOUS Money for Kids and Teens!

Of all of the things on this planet, it seems that trash is the most
common thing that you will find. It’s all over the place! We always see volunteers and prison crews cleaning Turn Cans into Cashit up. However, did you know that ALL of those soda cans, aluminum wrappings, and almost every other metal can bring you some serious cash? No joke! Not only can you help to save the environment, but you can earn some spare money too. Whether you’re 8 years old or 14 years old, it’s a great method to try!

Continue reading Method 2: Collecting Cans (and OTHER Metals!) Can Earn SERIOUS Money for Kids and Teens!


Did You Know Books Will Bring You Money?

book-83126_640 (1)Probably not- but now you do! There are a variety of ways to earn cash from books, you just have to know where, and how, to start. Cashing in on books is actually really easy! In this chapter, I will guide you through the pages of those books and teach you how to turn a quick profit; or even turn it into your own business. It’s all up to you! Here we go…