Luxury pocket watch and book heart

Method 25: Buying and Selling Designer Watches- A Kid’s Guide

Buying and Selling Beautiful Old, Gently Used Designer Watches for Kids

Even among all of the technological advances that we have, people are still using the old fashioned wrist watch. It’s not only useful for a quick glance at the time, but it is also very fashionable. Designer watches tend to be very well made, and usually hand crafted. As they get older, they lose some value but are still worth a good hunk of change. You just have to know how to find these older, vintage luxury watches in order to turn a good profit on them!

heart shape women's watch wristlette
This adorable wrist bracelet watch has adorable gold dolphins on it! This would be a huge hit among teens and kids!

Where to Find Gently Used Luxury Watches for Sale

beautiful designer watch
I’d love to have this gorgeous watch. It’s so adorable!

Before we begin, I do want to tell you that buying and selling top brand watches will not be the easiest of the methods. It can turn an amazing profit, but it takes a good bit of skill and luck. This is due to the finding process. The selling process will be a little easier. This is a job that would be good for kids who have a knack for bargain shopping and some research. Therefore, this job is more suited for 14, 15, and 16 year old teens. You will definitely need a ride back and forth to different locations, so don’t forget to ask your parents if you do not have your driver’s license, a bike, or the ability to use city buses or taxis.

Most of the watches that you’ll be finding dirt cheap will come from places like yard sales and estate sales. You want to go to the kind of place where the owner (or auctioneer) is just looking to sell ALL of their stuff, as soon as possible.

Looking for the Best Luxury Watches in Estate Sales

If you’re going to an estate sale, you want to find the BEST watches of the BEST design you can,  in the NICEST condition available. You want to skip over any that are broken, chipped, missing links, or faulty. These won’t bring you anything. If you find a nice watch, Google for more information about it to find out how much it is worth. Then, take part in the auction to snatch the watch! You don’t want to spend too much though, as you must remember that you’ll still have to resell and silver cute deigner watch

Estate sales are one of the best places to go for more rare international brands, such as Swiss watches. This is because these sales are usually done during divorces, or when the owner of all of the items passes away and no one wants them. Just make sure that the estate sale is large and carrying lots of valuable items. Otherwise, it might be a waste of your time.

Finding a Designer Branded Wrist Watch in Yard Sales and Garage Sales

Writs watch on a worn out old benchYard sales and garage sales might be a prime spot for finding these beautiful watches, especially if the watch was handed down or bought from a thrift store and the current owner doesn’t know the true value. You can usually get them REALLY dirt cheap this way. If you’d like to speed up the process, try finding as many local yard sales as you can that are within 30 minutes of you. Take down a phone number and address for each. Once you’ve compiled a massive list, start calling each yard sale organizer. Ask them if they have any wrist watches for sale, and if they say yes, ask for the brand and age.

You may only have a small handful of people with wrist keepers for sale, and even fewer who have their hands on a designer watch. IF you find them though, make sure you’re up at the butt crack of dawn and be the very first person to show up for that yard sale! Only make a purchase for 40% of the true value though, or less. For example, if the watch is worth $100, don’t spend more than $40. And honestly, I wouldn’t spend more than $100, unless it’s worth more than $10,000.

Luxury pocket watch and book heart
Is this another way of saying that I love a timeless classic? Love this photo!

How Kids Can Sell Expensive Watches to Get Their Return Back on Them

Once the watch is in your hands, it is time to celebrate- almost! At this point, you have accomplished the hard part. You’ve finished all of the real work, and now it’s time to play the waiting game. There are many places to sell a watch, and I’m going to list a few of them for your benefit.

Ebay Is a Good Place

orange and black time piece Many people shop on Ebay for the best watches at an affordable price. This doesn’t mean that you should sell it for dirt cheap though- but you can put it at auction (with the starting price being the price you paid), and you can keep dropping the asking price with each new auction attempt to be sure that you aren’t being ripped off.

Craigslist, a Bit More of a Challenge

People on CL are trying to find REALLY cheap bargains. The watch you’re selling just might qualify to the right person. The thing about Craigslist is the massive amount of traffic that it receives quite regularly. NEVER, NEVER, NEVERRRR meet people alone, however. Have a parent take you and ensure that family knows that you’re going to a particular place to meet a particular person.

Buy/Sell/Trade Groups on Facebook

These also get a lot of traffic, and it will only take you 2 minutes to put up a photo of the nice watch, a description, and an asking price. There’s no reason not to post on these groups!

piano and pocket watch