Method 24: Kids Can House Sit as a Job

Kids Can House Sit as a Job

Has your family or   neighbors ever left   for vacation?      Were there plants    or pets left behind     that needed      attention? If so,           this is one example   for the demand for   house sitting. This     is a fairly easy job,      one that is pretty hard to mess up. Any kid can do this- just make sure you follow these easy steps to ensure that you are doing a great job as a house sitter!


Keep Plants Watered and In Sufficient Sunlight

adorable bonsai treesWhen plants are left for a week without water, chances are they will be wilted badly or dead when the family returns from vacation. Many households have over $100 invested in their household decorative plants and flowers. Watering plants is an easy 5 minute job- and almost every plant owner is willing to pay $20 to ensure that their plants survive while they are out of town. Make sure that they are also facing a window with plenty of light, so that they can continue to thrive.

Keep Pets Fed and Watered

GerbilAlmost every household owns a pet- whether it be a hamster, fish, a cat, or a dog. Animals need to be fed once or twice per day, depending on the owner’s instructions. If you have to feed a dog, cat, hamster, and fish, the process will probably take about ten minutes all together.

Take Dogs for a Walk

sunset-163479_1280A dog needs a thirty minute walk every day (if not twice per day for more energetic dogs) in order to satisfy its need for adventure and exercise. This goes for pottying, as well. Most owners have their dogs housebroken, which means they do not potty inside of the house. Make sure the dog pees and poos during your walks. You may have to pick up the dog poo and dispose of it in certain neighborhoods; definitely in parks. It’s just the clean, sanitary, and healthy thing to do.

Clean Cages and Litter Boxes

Japanese_litter_boxHopefully, the owner cleaned all cages and litter boxes before leaving for vacation. A litter box will need to be scooped every day; and depending on how many cats they own, it may need to be thoroughly cleaned once or twice during the vacation. Small pets need to have their cage changed once or twice per week, depending on the pet. If the owner does this for a hamster or pet rat before leaving, the cage should be okay until they return. Rabbits and guinea pigs, however, need to have their cage cleaned every 2 to 3 days.
